June 19-22, 2025
Rodeo Bible Camp will be held June 19-22, 2025.
Rodeo Bible Camp, located east of Delta, Colorado, is three days of exciting, rodeo-related or riding instruction, contests and crafts, combined with fun, music, encouragement and biblical teachings. Staff includes spiritually mature Christian leaders and speakers, gifted musicians, and knowledgeable horsemen.
LIMITED TO AGES: 9-18 (age as of Camp 2023)
We have a wide range of events available! Each kid chooses ONE of the following events to work on under instruction by an experienced clinician:
*Barrel racing/ Pole bending
*Goat tying (From the Ground, No horses Used)
*Ranch Roping (Update: with or without horse)
*Team Roping
*Calf Roping
*Break-Away Roping
*Rookie Rider
*Bareback broncs
*Saddle broncs
Cost: $175 (plus $25 stock fee for Rough Stock events)
We are a Christian ministry whose mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through the cowboy culture. Our purpose is to present cowboys and cowgirls the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord; and to disciple them in their commitment to serve Jesus in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.
For frequently asked questions see our Q & A page.
You may register online by filling out the form below! You then have the option to pay now or pay later.
Registration Form
You may pay online by clicking the button below AFTER you have filled out the Registration Form above, or you may bring a check with you.