Example of Elective Classes previously offered:
Government Class - Wednesday 2:00-3:00, Starts September 13th
Yearlong Class – Starts September
Taught by Bethany Lynn, using Patriot Academy’s ‘A Republic If You Can Keep It’. https://www.patriotacademy.com/store/product/31 The course meets the requirement for a Government credit and was designed to cover both the requirements in most states for High School Government, but also to prepare for the College CLEP test. The video series will take you inside the WallBuilders library, as well as on location in the very places where the American Government was formed. Taught by Rick Green, David Barton, Tim Barton, Dennis Prager, Brad Stine, Nathan Macias, Michelle Bachmann, Dr. Carol Swain, and more! This is an online course that we will work through together in class and independently at home. Bethany has added MUCH to this course from her own passion for the subject. Your student will find it engaging and relevant even if they don't have an interest in the subject.
$100 - Materials included
Music – Wednesday Afternoon
Fall Semester –
Taught by Mindy Robinson, this class can go many different directions based on the interest of the students. From music theory to voice or beginning instruments. Once registration is submitted, we will contact you to determine your students' specific interest. $50/semester
Drama - Wednesday 1:00-2:00, Starting September 13th
Fall Semester -
Taught by Mindy Robinson - Acting is developed through knowledge of some basic principles and practice. Join us this Fall session and learn foundational skills, acting lingo, stage directions, etc. and build confidence as we learn through fun and engaging lessons. Minimum of 5 students for Fall ‘fundamentals’
Spring Semester will culminate in a play. Minimum of 10 students for Spring performance. $50/Semester
Environmental Science - Monday 11:30-1:00, Starting September 11th
(Day and time may be subject to change based upon interest level. Let us know your availability)
Yearlong class – starting September
Taught by Harold Kamperman for students 7th- 12th Grade. This class will cover this topic from a Christian worldview, challenging the students to approach this topic from a conservation perspective rather than the environmentalist agenda being promoted in our world today. God gave us dominion over the earth, how can we steward it well? This class will focus on projects rather than testing to demonstrate understanding of the material. $100/ year - Book not included.
Spanish I - Wednesday 1:00-2:00, Starting September 13th
Yearlong class starting September
Taught by Leanne Fuller, learn the Spanish language from the beginning. This class will meet once per week and then require at home work using the Abeka Spanish material.
$100/year - Book not included
History Discussions - 19th Century American & World History — Junior High and High School classes Friday 10:30-12:30
Year long - Starting September 8th
Using Tapestry of Grace Year 3 curriculum as the road map, students read selections from 'living books' and get together weekly to analyze and discuss what they have read through the lens of a Biblical Worldview. Socratic discussion is utilized to draw out the students' thoughts rather than simply lecture from the instructor.
No class fee, but books and History curriculum purchase required. Inquire for more detail.
Literature - Both Junior High/ High School Classes Friday 1:00-2:00
Year long - Starting September 8th
Using individual book studies we will give your student a literary Toolbox with which to analyze and appreciate classic works of literature while at the same time, gleaning important life lessons from the characters whose lives they become involved.
No class fee, but books and curriculum purchase required. Inquire for specifics.
Beginner German- Tuesday 1:00-2:00p.m.
Fall Semester - Starting September
Taught by Susen Waller - Basic vocabulary through speaking and listening. A basic introduction to German. We will explore basic conversational phrases such as greetings, ordering meals at a restaurant, going shopping, etc. While we will focus on listening and speaking, some grammar aspects and writing portions will be included. Minimum class of 5 students, age 14+.
$50/ Semester plus material cost
German II - Wednesday 3:00-4:00, Starting September 8th
Fall Semester - Starting September
Taught by Susen Waller - Continuing classes for those students who have completed the Beginner German course or have a foundation in basic German.
$50/Semester plus material cost
Personal Finance
Spring Semester Only
Taught by Hannah Barry, this excellent course is recommended for Juniors or Seniors and will equip them to steward their money from God’s perspective. From tithing and budgeting to insurance and investing, this course will equip your students with the practical skills they need to manage their money wisely.
$50/ Semester
Explore Careers
Fall Semester - Tuesday late afternoon or evening (depending on who is teaching that week)
This class will be taught by various men who have skills or knowledge to pass along to your students. Class topics will range from metal fabricating to mechanical engineering, videography, carpentry and more.
Payment for classes can be made via check: Cowboy at the Cross, PO Box 754, Delta CO 81416